Mukhiyaa is an upcoming web series in the genres of romantic, drama, fantasy created and produced by the OTT platform Hulchul. The series is set to be released 2 December 2023 on the Hulchul app, catering to an adult audience aged 18 and above. The lead actress in the series is Malvika Tomar, Tripti Berra, Shubhangi Sharma.
Stay tuned for more details about the Mukhiyaa Web Series, including its storyline, crew, and the release date on the Hulchul platform.
Mukhiyaa Web Series Story/Plot
The story of this web series is very good. In the story, Malvika Tomar is depicted as the head of the village. She becomes the head of the panchayat to stop the atrocities that have been happening to the women of her village for five thousand years. Also, this web series has two main cast and after watching it, the story becomes very exciting. In this web series, you have to watch the web series to know that.
Mukhiyaa Hulchul Web Series Cast (Actress Photos)
Well-known artists have worked in this web series, which has made viewers crazy with their bold style.
Mukhiyaa Web Series Wiki/Info
Cast | Malvika Tomar, Tripti Berra, Shubhangi Sharma |
Genre | 18+, Drama, Romance |
Release Date | 2 December 2023 |
Platform | Hulchul |
Language | Hindi And Indian other |
Country | India |
Director | N/A |
Episodes | 4 |
How To Watch Online Mukhiyaa Web Series
Have to go to Playstore. That’s why you have to click on the Play Store icon on your mobile. Then search for the name Hulchul. After viewing the app, click on the install button. Before installing the app, you can see its size and ratings. After this, the app will start downloading. Open it after it is installed. Log in if you already have an account. If you do not have an account, you can create a new app and you may also need to buy a subscription.
Who are the Cast of Mukhiyaa Web Series?
Malvika Tomar, Tripti Berra, Shubhangi Sharma is the lead cast Mukhiyaa series.
What is the OTT Release Date of the Web Series Mukhiyaa Hulchul?
Mukhiyaa Hulchul web series is OTT release on 2 December 2023.
Who is main cast in the Mukhiyaa web series?
Malvika Tomar.
Which platform on release date the Mukhiyaa web series?
Comming Soon 2023 Hulchul Official Ott App.